Oral History Interview with Ross Snodgrass, June 13, 1999 All Clips

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Oral History Interview with Ross Snodgrass, June 13, 1999 (Text)

Oral History Interview with Ross Snodgrass, June 13, 1999

Interview with Ross Snodgrass, ranche rfrom Kerrville, Texas. Mr. Snodgrass discusses his family's move to the area in the mid-1800s, as well as their ranching history. He talks about his own experience as a rancher, raising and training animals, surviving droughts (and anthrax), roping, and more. Mr. Snodgrass also tells stories about the "Whippoorwill" band he and his wife, Clarabelle Snodgrass, started after marrying in 1933. The transcript includes a few comments by his wife.

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