[Barbara Jordan Scrapbook:1967 Session, January - May]: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 154 (standard view) | zoom view

... 12, 1967________ SECTION I, PAGE 5 By WILLIAM H. GARDNER Political Affairs Editor AUSTIN — Sen Henry... the date of the election from November, 1967, to November, 1968. THE HOUSTON senator yielded several times... to avoid a special election in 1967, and so save money. ey. ‘I ADMIT it’s more expensive, but democracy... by the voters. lhe^ state will have a tangent of experience as to the 1967 congressional and state legislative... the proposed date of submission on the amendment to Texas voters from Novem- 1968. I in 1967. Sen. J. P

Page: 44 (standard view) | zoom view

... PAGE 6, SECTION I THE HOUSTON POST .THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1967 far Tower Addresses Bickering..., 1967 67 Pet Favor Liquor By Drink, on Option By JOE BELDEN ©, 1967, Ihe Texas Poll Two-thirds of all

Sequence: 104 (standard view) | zoom view

... HOUSTON CHRONICLE Page 8, Section 1 Friday, March 17, 1967 Rapid Spread of Marijuana Habit.... Silvio O. Conte (R. I r HOUSTON CHRONICLE | Page 6, Section 6 Wednesday, March 22, 1967 Chromosome Damage... in March 1966 under drug-abuse amendments to federal law passed in 1965. BY RICHARD D. LYONS ©1967 New York... By HAROLD M. SCHMECK JR. (c) 1967, New York Times News Service WASHINGTON — Educators and doctors should... NEWSPAPER PAGE 2, SECTION 3 TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1967 The Drug Problem Though it is common knowledge

Page: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

... PAGE 20, SECTION 3 THE HOUSTON POST __ . TUESDAY. JANUARY 31, 1967 Connally Asked To Submit... Tuesday, January 31, 1967 Q | § %jl | | C* IW '’*> • V ■ - ;«r—-— -——-—-—■— -* The state's No. 1

Sequence: 84 (standard view) | zoom view

... Jackson introduced a bill to establish the Blue Ridge Municipal Utility District. Friday, Feb. 17, 1967 Am... Thursday, both houses of the legislature apt of 1967” must be approved proved a short list of minor bills... in a threepage letter to the criticism Goyen made Thursday of the proposed “Clean Air Act of 1967” which Cole

Sequence: 150 (standard view) | zoom view

... HOUSTON CHRONICLE C/JIf/M-ialc Page 12, Section 7 Sunday, May 7, 1967 Lh Tmi I | | | I O...! This is 1967 These things happen from time to time, and when they do they create a sense of shame in the hearts... Tuesday, May 9, 1967 TEAC Reps. Maurice Pipkin, i Dallas, and W. R. Archer, Brownsville; Bill Braecklein

Page: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Krueger Managing Editor ’ Dick West Editorial Editor FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1967 A Progressive Program ...... question of the 1967 session—how much of it is to be spent, for what and how needed additional revenue... that will be in the true interest of the people of Texas. HOUSTON CHRONICLE r Page 2, Section 2 Friday, January 20, 1967

Sequence: 28 (standard view) | zoom view

... for pollution as, stipulated by the Clean Air Ac of 1967 would be (rom *100 * $1,000 a day as compared to the... during 1967. To encourage legislators to do so, the court retained jurisdiction until Aug. 1, 1967. “THE

Page: 32 (standard view) | zoom view

... knock out these two not come under the appropriations bill until September, 1967.” He added, “There... 1967.’’ Sen A. M. Aikin Jr of Paris, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, came to the defense... obligation! by a ; majority vote on Jan. 14, 1967,” 1 Jones said in a statement. “. . . This action indicates

Page: 70 (standard view) | zoom view

... of 1967. Both Maj. K. R. Herbert, head of the Austin Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Division... evallate what they have lost. During the first three months of 1967 Austin police arrested 95 persons... persons and cleared five cases during the first quarter of 1967. Last year by the end of March 16... visited by burglars. There were 152 nighttime residence burglaries during the first quarter of 1967

Page: 71 (standard view) | zoom view

... PAGE 8, SECTION 2 THE HOUSTON POST TUESDAY: MAY 2, 1967 DATELINE AUSTIN: House OKs Drivers License..., 1966, to March 28, 1967, into operations of establishments which resulted in charges of prostitution... they can put it across. HOUSTON CHRONICLE Page 18, Section 1 Tuesday, May 2, 1967 Editorials Texas doesn't... didn’t stop polluting the air and water. Wednesday, May 3, 1967 sfa, A . Open Meeting Bill Passed

Page: 60 (standard view) | zoom view

... Dateline Austin: Money Bill Goes to Senate Floor THE HOUSTON POS TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1967... been available.” The situation will be much worse in the fall of 1967, he stated. Teachers who came... received last year, and because The 1967 version of the the Public School Study

Page: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... for the HOUSTON CHRONICLE r i;f ; I Page 2, Section 2 . Thursday, January 19, 1967 ^ fQj | § | S Ci I ^... Connally program is broad, forthright and courageous Gov. John Connally’s 1967-68 program for Texas... million. • Call for a constitutional amendment in 1967 to permit a $75 million bond program

Page: 68 (standard view) | zoom view

... the 1967-69 biennium, the addi- Si revenue needed »ng upon Jhe expenditures yet to be authorized by the p... April 25, 1967 U.T. FUNDS: House OKs Change Capitol Staff A proposed constitutional amendment to allow... 26, 1967 Oiife-Year Budget On House Floor Associated Press ty’s own one-year budget rec- House budget

Sequence: 80 (standard view) | zoom view

... AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1967 Fair Taxes Aim of Permit Law dodging or evasion..., Section 1 Monday, February 13, 1967 ^J| | g g | I ^ Bill to assure open meetings The Chronicle believes

Sequence: 106 (standard view) | zoom view

... A 1967 State College Fees Tuesday, March 7, 1967 House OKs Viet... of this is Ion of gasoline from 5 „P, Thursday, March 9, 1967 4-Year Terms Bill Back in Committee BY DAVE McNEELY

Sequence: 116 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE HOUSTON POST THURSDAY., MARCH 23, 1967 _____ SECTION I, PAGE l The Abortion Controversy... Austin THE HOUSTON POST _FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1967 Senate Shelves Sunday Blue Law Fight AUSTIN - (UPI) —..., March 23, 1967 Lb U I 8 I I C8 8 Liquor "packs 'em in/ but not crime Exp A glaring contrast impressed

Page: 48 (standard view) | zoom view

...- •*> By DOUGLAS E. KNEELAND (c) 1967, New York Times News Service The uniform time law passed..., March 1, 1967 Austin, Texas Page 5 I more susceptible to heart attacks. He said the heart disease death... for individual communities or counties SECTION I THE HOUSTON POST SUNDAY. MARCH 5. 1967 Cities, TV, Airlines for

Page: 41 (standard view) | zoom view

..., FEBRUARY 16, 1967 Dateline Austin Governor Signs Emergency Bill for HemisFair Funds ^^ -t-v • _ .in... and promised to send them a copy of his bill. THE COLE BILL, entitled the “Clean Air Act of Texas, 1967

Sequence: 88 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1967 Bill Protects Rights I Of Transit Workers Capitol Staff The Senate... Holmes of Granbury. A-** N*. Wednesday, February 22, 1967 Bill on Hearing Test For Babies Opposed

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