[Rhino page in "The Elizabethan Zoo"] Side: 1 of 1

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[Rhino page in "The Elizabethan Zoo"]
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[Illustration in "The Elizabethan Zoo"] (Photograph)

[Illustration in "The Elizabethan Zoo"]

Photographs of illustrations in "The Elizabethan Zoo: A Book of Beasts Both Fabulous and Authentic" held by UNT Special Collections. The first image is of a creature with the head of a human, breasts, scales, paws, hooves, and a tail that is called a Lamia. The second image's central focus is a tapered passage about the "Mantichora", or manticore, including different names and descriptions for the creature. The face of the illustration is visible on the other page. Image 3, is of a manticore, spelled Mantichora in the book. It has a lion's body, the head of a man with a wide mouth and rows of teeth, and a spiked barb at the end of the tail. Image 4, is of a rhinoceros with added details. There are layers of 'armor' on it that does not resemble the way a rhino truly looks, though the form as a whole is accurate to the rhino.

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[Rhino page in "The Elizabethan Zoo"], photograph, October 9, 2014; (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc1633370/m1/1/?q=%221926%22: accessed May 29, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.

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